15.2-2287.1 - Disclosures in land use proceedings.
§ 15.2-2287.1. Disclosures in land use proceedings.
A. The provisions of this section shall apply in their entirety to the Countyof Loudoun.
B. Each individual member of the board of supervisors, the planningcommission, and the board of zoning appeals in any proceeding before eachsuch body involving an application for a special exception or variance orinvolving an application for amendment of a zoning ordinance map, which doesnot constitute the adoption of a comprehensive zoning plan, an ordinanceapplicable throughout the locality, or an application filed by the board ofsupervisors that involves more than 10 parcels that are owned by differentindividuals, trusts, corporations, or other entities, shall, prior to anyhearing on the matter or at such hearing, make a full public disclosure ofany business or financial relationship that such member has, or has hadwithin the 12-month period prior to such hearing, (i) with the applicant insuch case; or (ii) with the title owner, contract purchaser or lessee of theland that is the subject of the application, except, in the case of acondominium, with the title owner, contract purchaser, or lessee of 10percent or more of the units in the condominium; or (iii) if any of theforegoing is a trustee (other than a trustee under a corporate mortgage ordeed of trust securing one or more issues of corporate mortgage bonds), withany trust beneficiary having an interest in such land; or (iv) with theagent, attorney or real estate broker of any of the foregoing. For thepurpose of this subsection, "business or financial relationship" means anyrelationship (other than any ordinary customer or depositor relationship witha retail establishment, public utility, or bank) such member, or any memberof the member's immediate household, either directly or by way of apartnership in which any of them is a partner, employee, agent, or attorney,or through a partner of any of them, or through a corporation in which any ofthem is an officer, director, employee, agent, or attorney or holds 10percent or more of the outstanding bonds or shares of stock of a particularclass, has, or has had within the 12-month period prior to such hearing, withthe applicant in the case, or with the title owner, contract purchaser, orlessee of the subject land, except, in the case of a condominium, with thetitle owner, contract purchaser, or lessee of 10 percent or more of the unitsin the condominium, or with any of the other persons above specified. For thepurpose of this subsection "business or financial relationship" also meansthe receipt by the member, or by any person, firm, corporation, or committeein his behalf, from the applicant in the case or from the title owner,contract purchaser, or lessee of the subject land, except, in the case of acondominium, with the title owner, contract purchaser, or lessee of 10percent or more of the units in the condominium, or from any of the otherpersons above specified, during the 12-month period prior to the hearing insuch case, of any gift or donation having a value of more than $100,singularly or in the aggregate.
If at the time of the hearing in any such case such member has a business orfinancial interest with the applicant in the case or with the title owner,contract purchaser, or lessee of the subject land except, in the case of acondominium, with the title owner, contract purchaser, or lessee of 10percent or more of the units in the condominium, or with any of the otherpersons above specified involving the relationship of employee-employer,agent-principal, or attorney-client, that member shall, prior to any hearingon the matter or at such hearing, make a full public disclosure of suchrelationship and shall be ineligible to vote or participate in any way insuch case or in any hearing thereon.
C. In any case described in subsection B pending before the board ofsupervisors, planning commission, or board of zoning appeals, the applicantin the case shall, prior to any hearing on the matter, file with the board orcommission a statement in writing and under oath identifying by name and lastknown address each person, corporation, partnership, or other associationspecified in the first paragraph of subsection B. The requirements of thissection shall be applicable only with respect to those so identified.
D. Any person knowingly and willfully violating the provisions of thissection shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
(2008, c. 532.)