15.2-2202 - Duties of state agencies; electric utilities.
§ 15.2-2202. Duties of state agencies; electric utilities.
A. The Department of Environmental Quality shall distribute a copy of theenvironmental impact report submitted to the Department for every major stateproject pursuant to regulations promulgated under § 10.1-1191 to the chiefadministrative officer of every locality in which each project is proposed tobe located. The purpose of the distribution is to enable the locality toevaluate the proposed project for environmental impact, consistency with thelocality's comprehensive plan, local ordinances adopted pursuant to thischapter, and other applicable law and to provide the locality with anopportunity to comment. The Department shall distribute the reports tolocalities, solicit their comments, and consider their responses insubstantially the same manner as the Department solicits and receivescomments from state agencies.
B. In addition to the information supplied under subsection A, everydepartment, board, bureau, commission, or other agency of the Commonwealthwhich is responsible for the construction, operation, or maintenance ofpublic facilities within any locality shall, upon the request of the localplanning commission having authority to prepare a comprehensive plan, furnishreasonable information requested by the local planning commission relative tothe master plans of the state agency which may affect the locality'scomprehensive plan. Each state agency shall collaborate and cooperate withthe local planning commission, when requested, in the preparation of thecomprehensive plan to the end that the local comprehensive plan willcoordinate the interests and responsibilities of all concerned.
C. Every state agency responsible for the construction, operation ormaintenance of public facilities within the Commonwealth shall notify thechief administrative officer of every locality in which the agency intends toundertake a capital project involving new construction costing at least$100,000. The notice shall be given during the planning phase of the projectand prior to preparation of construction and site plans and shall informlocalities that preliminary construction and site plans will be available fordistribution, upon the request of the locality. Agencies shall not berequired to give such notice prior to acquisition of property. The purpose ofthe notice and distribution is to enable the locality to evaluate the projectfor consistency with local ordinances other than building codes and toprovide the locality with an opportunity to submit comments to the agencyduring the planning phase of a project. Upon receipt of a request from alocality, the state agency shall transmit a copy of the plans to the localityfor comment.
D. Every electric utility that is responsible for the construction,operation, and maintenance of electric transmission lines of 150 kilovolts ormore shall furnish reasonable information requested by the local planningcommission having authority to prepare a comprehensive plan within theutility's certificated service area relative to any electric transmissionline of 150 kilovolts or more that may affect the locality's comprehensiveplan. If the locality seeks to include the designation of corridors or routesfor electric transmission lines of 150 kilovolts or more in its comprehensiveplan, the local planning commission shall give the electric utility areasonable opportunity for consultation about such corridors or routes. Theelectric utility shall notify the chief administrative officer of everylocality in which the electric utility plans to undertake construction of anyelectric transmission line of 150 kilovolts or more, prior to the filing ofany application for approval of such construction with the State CorporationCommission, of its intention to file any such application and shall give thelocality a reasonable opportunity for consultation about such line.
E. Nothing in this section shall be construed to require any state agency orelectric utility to duplicate any submission required to be made by theagency or the electric utility to a locality under any other provision of law.
F. Nothing herein shall be deemed to abridge the authority of any stateagency or the State Corporation Commission regarding the facilities now orhereafter coming under its jurisdiction.
G. The provisions of this section shall not apply to highway, transit orother projects, as provided in § 10.1-1188 B.
H. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the entering of anyoption by any state agency or electric utility for any projects listed insubsection C or D.
(1993, c. 786, § 15.1-428.1; 1997, c. 587; 2001, c. 281; 2007, c. 761.)