15.2-2144 - Inspection of water supplies.
§ 15.2-2144. Inspection of water supplies.
A. Every locality may regulate and inspect public and private water supplies;the production, preparation, transmission and distribution of water; and thesanitation of establishments, systems, facilities and equipment in or bymeans of which water is produced, prepared, transmitted and distributed. Itmay prevent the pollution of such water supplies; and, without liability tothe owner thereof, may prevent the transmission or distribution of water whenit is found to be polluted, adulterated, impure or dangerous.
B. Every public water supply operator shall at least annually test thepublic water supply for the presence of methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE).The locality shall maintain a record of testing conducted pursuant to thissubsection. If the results of any test conducted pursuant to this subsectionindicates the presence of MTBE in excess of 15 parts per billion, thelocality shall immediately notify the Department of Environmental Quality andthe Department of Health. The Division of Consolidated Laboratory Servicesshall maintain and make available, upon the request of any person, a list oflaboratories, accredited under the provisions of the federal Safe DrinkingWater Act (42 U.S.C. § 300f et seq.) to analyze samples, located throughoutthe Commonwealth that possess the technical expertise to analyze watersamples for the presence of MTBE. Any lab seeking accreditation under theSafe Drinking Water Act may contact the Division of Consolidated LaboratoryServices. The Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services shall establish afee system to offset the costs of tests performed on behalf of public watersupply operators. Such test may be conducted simultaneously with other tests.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection, the State Board of Health,acting pursuant to its authority regarding public water supplies, mayestablish an alternative schedule for water supply testing, which shall applyin lieu of this subsection, for any public waterworks where annual testing isnot otherwise required, if it determines that an alternative schedule isappropriate to protect the public health and promote the public welfare.
(Code 1950, § 15-77.18; 1958, c. 328; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-854; 1997, c. 587;2000, c. 1004; 2004, c. 438.)