15.2-2110 - Mandatory connection to water and sewage systems in certain counties.
§ 15.2-2110. Mandatory connection to water and sewage systems in certaincounties.
A. Amelia, Botetourt, Campbell, Cumberland, Franklin, Halifax, and NelsonCounties may require connection to their water and sewage systems by ownersof property that may be served by such systems; however, those persons havinga domestic supply or source of potable water and a system for the disposal ofsewage adequate to prevent the contraction or spread of infectious,contagious, and dangerous diseases shall not be required to discontinue useof the same, but may be required to pay a connection fee, a front footagefee, and a monthly nonuser service charge that shall not be more than thatproportion of a minimum monthly user charge as debt service compares to thetotal operating and debt service costs.
B. Bland County, Goochland County, Rockingham County and Wythe County mayrequire connection to their water and sewer systems by owners of propertythat can be served by the systems if the property, at the time ofinstallation of such public system, or at a future time, does not have athen-existing, correctable, or replaceable domestic supply or source ofpotable water and a then-existing, correctable, or replaceable system for thedisposal of sewage adequate to prevent the contraction or spread ofinfectious, contagious and dangerous diseases. Such counties may not charge afee for connection to its water and sewer systems until such time asconnection is required. However, Bland County and Wythe County, in assumingthe obligations of a public service authority, may assume such obligationsunder the same terms and conditions as applicable to the public serviceauthority.
The provisions of this subsection as they apply to Goochland County shallbecome effective on July 1, 2002.
C. Buckingham County may require connection to its water and sewer systems byowners of property that can be served by the systems if the property, at thetime of installation of such public system, or at a future time, does nothave a then-existing or correctable domestic supply or source of potablewater and a then-existing or correctable system for the disposal of sewageadequate to prevent the contraction or spread of infectious, contagious anddangerous diseases. Such county may not charge a fee for connection to itswater and sewer systems until such time as connection is required.
(1981, c. 44, § 15.1-292.1; 1990, c. 382; 1995, c. 282, § 15.1-292.1:1; 1996,c. 955; 1997, c. 587; 2000, cc. 777, 799; 2001, cc. 306, 326; 2002, c. 295;2003, cc. 167, 215; 2004, cc. 24, 712, 816; 2005, c. 701.)