15.2-2108.6 - Feasibility study on providing cable television services.

§ 15.2-2108.6. Feasibility study on providing cable television services.

A. Upon the hiring of a feasibility consultant under § 15.2-2108.5, thegoverning body of the municipality shall require the feasibility consultantto:

1. Complete the feasibility study in accordance with this section;

2. Submit to the governing body by no later than 180 days from the date thefeasibility consultant is hired to conduct the feasibility study the fullwritten results of the feasibility study, and a summary of the results thatis no longer than one page in length; and

3. Attend the public hearings required by § 15.2-2108.7, if held, to: (i)present the feasibility study results and (ii) respond to questions from thepublic.

B. The feasibility study described in subsection A shall at a minimumconsider:

1. If the municipality is proposing to provide cable television services tosubscribers, whether the municipality providing cable television services inthe manner proposed by the municipality will hinder or advance competitionfor cable television services in the municipality;

2. Whether but for the municipality any person would provide the proposedcable television services;

3. The fiscal impact on the municipality of: (i) the capital investment infacilities that will be used to provide the proposed cable televisionservices or (ii) the expenditure of funds for labor, financing, andadministering the proposed cable television services;

4. The projected growth in demand in the municipality for the proposed cabletelevision services;

5. The projections at the time of the feasibility study, and for the fiveyears immediately thereafter, of a full-cost accounting for a municipality topurchase, lease, construct, maintain, or operate the facilities necessary toprovide the proposed cable television services; and

6. The projections at the time of the feasibility study and for the fiveyears immediately thereafter of the revenues to be generated from theproposed cable television services.

C. For purposes of the financial projections required under subdivisions B 5and B 6 of this section, the feasibility consultant shall assume that themunicipality will price the proposed cable television services consistentwith subsection E of § 15.2-2108.11.

D. The governing body of the municipality shall determine whether the averageannual revenues under subdivision B 6 exceed the average annual costs undersubdivision B 5 by at least the amount necessary to meet the bond obligationsof any bonds issued to fund the proposed cable television services based onthe feasibility study's analysis for the first year of the study and thefive-year projection, and separately stated with respect to the proposedcable television services.

(2003, c. 677.)