15.2-2108.30 - Renewal.

§ 15.2-2108.30. Renewal.

A cable operator electing to renew its cable franchise shall do so (i)pursuant to the renewal procedures in 47 U.S.C. § 546 or (ii) by providingnotice to the locality that it will opt into an ordinance cable franchisepursuant to this article. A cable operator may file such notification thatits cable franchise will be renewed by an ordinance cable franchise not morethan one year in advance of the expiration date of the existing franchise orby a renewal certification filed within 90 days after the effective date ofthis act in the case of a current cable franchise whose original, renewal, orextension term has expired. Except as provided by federal law, therestrictions in §§ 15.2-2015 through 15.2-2018, 15.2-2100 through 15.2-2105,15.2-2106 and 15.2-2107, including, but not limited to, the advertisement andreceipt of bids for cable franchises, shall not apply to renewalcertifications except where a renewal would result in a city or town havinggranted a cable franchise and a renewal with combined terms in excess of 40years.

(2006, cc. 73, 76.)