15.2-1716.1 - Reimbursement of expenses incurred in responding to terrorism hoax incident.

§ 15.2-1716.1. Reimbursement of expenses incurred in responding to terrorismhoax incident.

Any locality may provide by ordinance that any person who is convicted of aviolation of subsection B or C of § 18.2-46.6, when his violation of suchsection is the proximate cause of any incident resulting in an appropriateemergency response, shall be liable at the time of sentencing or in aseparate civil action to the locality or to any volunteer rescue squad, orboth, which may provide such emergency response for the reasonable expensethereof, in an amount not to exceed $1,000 in the aggregate for a particularincident occurring in such locality. In determining the "reasonableexpense," a locality may bill a flat fee of $250 or a minute-by-minuteaccounting of the actual costs incurred. As used in this section,"appropriate emergency response" includes all costs of providinglaw-enforcement, fire-fighting, rescue, and emergency medical services. Theprovisions of this section shall not preempt or limit any remedy available tothe Commonwealth, to the locality or to any volunteer rescue squad to recoverthe reasonable expenses of an emergency response to an incident not involvinga terroristic hoax as set forth herein.

(2002, cc. 588, 623; 2005, c. 479.)