15.2-1705 - Minimum qualifications; waiver.

§ 15.2-1705. Minimum qualifications; waiver.

A. The chief of police and all police officers of any locality, all deputysheriffs and jail officers in this Commonwealth, and all law-enforcementofficers as defined in § 9.1-101 who enter upon the duties of such officeafter July 1, 1994, are required to meet the following minimum qualificationsfor office. Such person shall (i) be a citizen of the United States, (ii) berequired to undergo a background investigation including fingerprint-basedcriminal history records inquiries to both the Central Criminal RecordsExchange and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, (iii) have a high schooleducation or have passed the General Educational Development exam, (iv)possess a valid driver's license if required by the duties of office tooperate a motor vehicle, (v) undergo a physical examination, subsequent to aconditional offer of employment, conducted under the supervision of alicensed physician, (vi) be at least eighteen years of age, (vii) not havebeen convicted of or pleaded guilty or no contest to a felony or any offensethat would be a felony if committed in Virginia, and (viii) not have produceda positive result on a pre-employment drug screening, if such screening isrequired by the hiring law-enforcement agency or jail, where the positiveresult cannot be explained to the law-enforcement agency or jailadministrator's satisfaction.

B. Upon request of a sheriff or chief of police, or the director or chiefexecutive of any agency or department employing law-enforcement officers asdefined in § 9.1-101, or jail officers as defined in § 53.1-1, the Departmentof Criminal Justice Services is hereby authorized to waive the requirementsfor qualification as set out in subsection A of this section for good causeshown.

(1982, c. 442, § 15.1-131.8; 1988, c. 396; 1994, cc. 850, 905; 1995, c. 112;1997, c. 587.)