15.2-1704 - Powers and duties of police force.

§ 15.2-1704. Powers and duties of police force.

A. The police force of a locality is hereby invested with all the power andauthority which formerly belonged to the office of constable at common lawand is responsible for the prevention and detection of crime, theapprehension of criminals, the safeguard of life and property, thepreservation of peace and the enforcement of state and local laws,regulations, and ordinances.

B. A police officer has no authority in civil matters, except (i) to executeand serve temporary detention and emergency custody orders and any otherpowers granted to law-enforcement officers in § 16.1-340, 16.1-340.1,37.2-808, or 37.2-809, (ii) to serve an order of protection pursuant to §§16.1-253.1, 16.1-253.4, and 16.1-279.1, (iii) to execute all warrants orsummons as may be placed in his hands by any magistrate serving the localityand to make due return thereof, and (iv) to deliver, serve, execute, andenforce orders of isolation and quarantine issued pursuant to §§ 32.1-48.09,32.1-48.012, and 32.1-48.014 and to deliver, serve, execute, and enforce anemergency custody order issued pursuant to § 32.1-48.02. A town policeofficer, after receiving training under subdivision 8 of § 9.1-102, may, withthe concurrence of the local sheriff, also serve civil papers, and makereturn thereof, only when the town is the plaintiff and the defendant can befound within the corporate limits of the town.

(Code 1950, § 15-557; 1960, c. 167; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-138; 1982, c. 38;1984, c. 661; 1992, cc. 729, 742; 1995, c. 844; 1997, c. 587; 1998, c. 425;1999, c. 495; 2007, c. 724; 2008, cc. 551, 691; 2010, cc. 778, 825.)