15.2-1636.17 - Payments to counties which do not have certain officers.

§ 15.2-1636.17. Payments to counties which do not have certain officers.

The Compensation Board shall determine the compensation and expenseallowances for the attorney for the Commonwealth, the treasurer and thecommissioner of the revenue for each county which adopts any form of countyorganization and government provided for in Chapter 5 (§ 15.2-500 et seq.) orChapter 8 (§ 15.2-800 et seq.) of this title in the same manner as if suchcounty had not adopted such form of county organization and government andhad continued to have all of such officers. Thereafter, the portion of suchcompensation and such expense allowances payable by the Commonwealth shall bepaid into the general fund of the treasury of the county. The actualcompensation and expense allowances to be paid the attorney for theCommonwealth, the treasurer and the commissioner of the revenue, or theofficers, agents or employees performing the duties and exercising the powersthereof, of any such county shall be fixed and determined as provided in saidChapter 5 (§ 15.2-500 et seq.) or Chapter 8 (§ 15.2-800 et seq.) of thistitle without regard to the limits provided for in this article.

(Code 1950, § 14-79; 1964, c. 386, § 14.1-67; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 236; 1998,c. 872.)