15.2-1636.15 - Manner of payment of certain items contained in budgets of county and city attorneys for the Commonwealth, treasurers and commissioners of the revenue.

§ 15.2-1636.15. Manner of payment of certain items contained in budgets ofcounty and city attorneys for the Commonwealth, treasurers and commissionersof the revenue.

A. Whenever a county or city attorney for the Commonwealth, treasurer orcommissioner of the revenue purchases office furniture, office equipment,office appliances, tax tickets for state and local taxes collectible bycounty and city treasurers, stationery, office supplies, postage, dataprocessing services, printing, advertising, telephone or telegraph service,or repairs to office furniture and equipment in conformity with and withinthe limits of allowances duly made and contained in the then current budgetof any such officer under the provisions of this article, the invoicestherefor, after examination as to their correctness, shall be paid by thecounty or city directly to the vendors, and the Commonwealth shall monthlypay the county or city the state's proportionate part of the cost of suchitems on submission by such officer to the Compensation Board of duplicateinvoices and such other information or evidence as the Compensation Board maydeem necessary. This section shall also apply to the payment of the premiumson the official bonds of such officers, their deputies and employees, and tothe premiums on burglary and other insurance, except the premium on the bondof a treasurer the payment of which is governed by other provisions of law.

B. This section shall not apply to any city treasurer whose city is notrequired to pay any part of the cost of such items, in which event the Boardshall pay the vendor upon receipt of the required invoices and otherinformation.

(Code 1950, § 14-77.1; 1958, c. 462; 1964, c. 386, § 14.1-65; 1983, c. 382;1998, c. 872.)