15.2-1609.1 - Number of deputies.

§ 15.2-1609.1. Number of deputies.

Except as provided in § 15.2-1603, the respective number of full-timedeputies appointed by the sheriff of a county or city shall be fixed by theCompensation Board after receiving such recommendation of the board ofsupervisors of the county or the council of the city, as the case may be, asthe board of supervisors or city council may desire to make. Suchrecommendation, if any, shall be made to the Compensation Board on or beforeApril 1 of each year. In any county without a police force, upon the requestof the board of supervisors of such county, the number of suchlaw-enforcement deputies shall be fixed at not less than one such deputy foreach 1,500 population in such county excluding the population served by stateeducational institution police departments if the sheriff's department doesnot provide the majority of the law-enforcement activities to such populationaccording to uniform crime reports compiled by the Department of StatePolice. The Compensation Board shall also consider any agreement the sheriffmay have pursuant to § 15.2-1726 and any obligation he may have pursuant tothis section to provide law enforcement for towns in fixing the number ofdeputies. The governing body of any county or city may employ a greaternumber of law-enforcement deputies than fixed by the Compensation Board,provided that the county or city shall pay the total compensation and allemployer costs for such additional deputies.

(Code 1950, § 14-83; 1964, c. 386, § 14.1-70; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 155; 1973,c. 180; 1979, cc. 236, 660; 1980, c. 146; 1983, c. 382; 1989, c. 293; 1998,cc. 276, 290, 305, 307, 327, 872.)