15.2-1542 - Creation of office of county, city or town attorney authorized; appointment, salary and duties.
§ 15.2-1542. Creation of office of county, city or town attorney authorized;appointment, salary and duties.
A. Every county, city or town, not otherwise authorized to create the office,may create the office of county, city or town attorney. Such attorney shallbe appointed by the governing body to serve at the pleasure of the governingbody. He shall serve at a salary or at an hourly rate to be fixed by thegoverning body and shall be allowed to recover his reasonable costs expended.Any such attorney serving at an hourly rate shall provide the locality withan itemized list of fees and expenses. In the event of the appointment ofsuch attorney, the attorney for the Commonwealth for such locality shall berelieved of any duty imposed upon him by law in civil matters of advising thegoverning body and all boards, departments, agencies, officials and employeesof the locality, of drafting or preparing ordinances, of defending orbringing actions in which the local government or any of its boards,departments or agencies, or officials or employees, thereof, shall be aparty, and in any other manner advising or representing the local government,its boards, departments, agencies, officials and employees, and all suchduties shall be performed by the local government attorney. Nothing herein,however, shall relieve such attorney for the Commonwealth from any of theother duties imposed on him by law including those imposed by § 2.2-3126.
B. The county attorney may prosecute violations of the Uniform StatewideBuilding Code, the Statewide Fire Prevention Code and all other ordinances asmay be agreed upon with the attorney for the Commonwealth. Such attorneyshall be accountable to the governing body in the performance of his duties.
C. The county attorney of Montgomery, Fairfax or Prince William Counties mayprosecute violations of county ordinances, except those ordinances whichregulate, in a manner similar to State statute, the operation of motorvehicles on the highway.
D. City and town attorneys, if so authorized by their local governing bodies,and with the concurrence of the attorney for the Commonwealth for thelocality, may prosecute criminal cases charging either the violation of cityor town ordinances, or the commission of misdemeanors within the city ortown, notwithstanding the provisions of § 15.2-1627.
(1968, c. 695, § 15.1-9.1:1; 1974, c. 305; 1977, c. 584; 1979, c. 328, §15.1-9.1:01; 1981, c. 122; 1982, c. 30; 1994, c. 357; 1995, c. 740, §15.1-9.1:3; 1997, c. 587; 2002, c. 802.)