15.2-1534 - Certain officers not to hold more than one office.
§ 15.2-1534. Certain officers not to hold more than one office.
A. Pursuant to Article VII, Section 6 of the Constitution of Virginia, noperson holding the office of treasurer, sheriff, attorney for theCommonwealth, clerk of the circuit court, commissioner of the revenue,supervisor, councilman, mayor, board chairman, or other member of thegoverning body of any locality shall hold more than one such office at thesame time.
B. Subsection A shall not be construed to prohibit:
1. A commissioner of the revenue of a county from serving as appointedcommissioner of the revenue of a town located in the county;
2. A treasurer of a county from serving as appointed treasurer of a townlocated in the county;
3. A deputy sheriff of a county from serving as appointed town sergeant of atown located in the county;
4. A person from serving simultaneously as an assistant attorney for theCommonwealth in the City of Winchester and Frederick County;
5. A person from serving as attorney for the Commonwealth for Bland Countyand assistant attorney for the Commonwealth of Wythe County;
6. The election of deputies of constitutional officers to school boardmembership, consistent with federal law and regulation; or
7. A person from serving simultaneously as a part-time assistant attorney forthe Commonwealth in more than one locality with the consent of the respectiveattorneys for the Commonwealth and the Compensation Board in accordance withprocedures adopted by the Compensation Board.
(1993, cc. 621, 781, § 15.1-50.4; 1995, c. 290; 1997, c. 587; 2002, c. 294.)