15.2-1525 - Where officers shall reside.

§ 15.2-1525. Where officers shall reside.

A. Every county officer shall, at the time of his election or appointment,have resided thirty days next preceding his election or appointment, eitherin the county for which he is elected or appointed, or in the city whereinthe courthouse of the county is or in a city wholly within the boundaries ofsuch county. If no practicing lawyer who has resided in the county or in suchcity for the period aforesaid offers for election or appointment or if thereis not more than one practicing lawyer residing in the jurisdiction who wouldbe qualified to offer for election, it shall be lawful to elect or appoint asattorney for the Commonwealth for such county a nonresident, or one who hasnot resided in the county, or in such city, for the period above mentioned.Every city and town officer except the town attorney shall, at the time ofhis election or appointment, have resided thirty days next preceding hiselection or appointment in such city or town unless otherwise specificallyprovided by charter. Every district officer shall, at the time of hiselection or appointment, have resided in the district for which he is electedor appointed thirty days next preceding his election or appointment, andresidence in any incorporated town within the district shall be regarded asresidence in the district.

B. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, and except as other provisionsof law may require otherwise, nonelected officers of any locality, andnonelected deputies of constitutional officers, shall not be required toreside in the jurisdiction in which they are appointed. However, the sheriffof any county or city may for law-enforcement purposes require that deputysheriffs live within a reasonable distance of the administrative office ofthe sheriff's department.

(Code 1950, § 15-487; 1952, c. 336; 1954, c. 323; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-51;1966, c. 97; 1968, c. 6; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 155; 1972, cc. 549, 620, 624;1973, c. 124; 1974, cc. 135, 229, 646; 1975, c. 100; 1976, c. 402; 1977, c.28; 1978, cc. 106, 113; 1979, c. 362; 1980, cc. 1, 8, 11; 1981, cc. 551, 552,556, 560, 561; 1982, c. 48; 1983, cc. 51, 76; 1984, cc. 65, 106, 711; 1994,c. 516; 1997, c. 587.)