15.2-1520 - Employment of counsel to defend localities and political subdivisions, governing bodies, officers or employees in certain proceedings; costs and expenses of such proceedings.

§ 15.2-1520. Employment of counsel to defend localities and politicalsubdivisions, governing bodies, officers or employees in certain proceedings;costs and expenses of such proceedings.

Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, general or special, alocality, or political subdivision of such locality may employ the county,city or town attorney, or the attorney for the Commonwealth, if there be nocounty, city or town attorney, or other counsel approved by the governingbody to defend it, or any member thereof, or any officer of the locality, orpolitical subdivision or employee thereof, or any trustee or member of anyboard or commission appointed by the governing body in any legal proceedingto which the governing body, or any member thereof, or any of the foregoingnamed persons may be a defendant, when such proceeding is instituted againstit, or them by virtue of any actions in furtherance of their duties inserving the locality or political subdivision as its governing body or asmembers thereof or the duties or service of any officer or employee of thelocality or political subdivision or any trustee or any member of any boardor commission appointed by the governing body.

All costs and expenses of such proceedings so defended shall be chargedagainst the treasury of the locality, or political subdivision and shall bepaid out of funds provided therefor by the governing body thereof. Further,in the event any settlement is agreed upon or judgment is rendered againstany of the foregoing persons or governing body, the governing body may, inits discretion, pay such settlement or judgment from public funds or otherfunds or in connection with all of the foregoing may expend public or otherfunds for insurance or to establish and maintain a self-insurance program tocover such risks or liability.

(1968, c. 23, § 15.1-19.2; 1976, c. 544; 1977, c. 47; 1978, c. 442; 1997, c.587.)