15.2-1515 - Compensation, benefits and liability insurance of such persons.
§ 15.2-1515. Compensation, benefits and liability insurance of such persons.
Every person employed under § 15.2-1513, for purposes of salary, retirement,and other employee benefits, public liability insurance and bonds, whenrequired, shall be considered the employee of one locality. The share of thecosts of salary, retirement, and other employee benefits and expenses for thejointly employed person shall be paid to the primary employing locality bythe other localities using the services of such person in the manner andamount agreed upon.
Such employment may be pursuant to written or unwritten agreement between oramong the employing localities containing such other terms and conditions asagreed upon.
(1991, c. 234, § 15.1-20.4; 1997, c. 587.)