15.2-1506 - Establishment of grievance procedure, personnel system and uniform pay plan for employees.
§ 15.2-1506. Establishment of grievance procedure, personnel system anduniform pay plan for employees.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, general orspecial, every locality which has more than fifteen employees shall have agrievance procedure for its employees that affords an immediate and fairmethod for the resolution of disputes which may arise between the publicemployer and its employees and a personnel system including a classificationplan for service and a uniform pay plan for all employees excluding employeesand deputies of division superintendents of schools.
Notwithstanding the provisions of any local charter, a locality may establisha personnel system for local administrative officials and employees based onmerit and professional ability. Such system shall consist of rules andregulations that provide for the general administration of personnel matters,a classification plan for employees, a uniform pay plan, and a procedure forresolving grievances of employees as provided by general law.
(1973, c. 256, § 15.1-7.1; 1974, cc. 260, 449; 1975, c. 176; 1976, c. 93;1978, c. 845; 1979, c. 734; 1984, c. 746; 1985, c. 515; 1988, c. 290; 1991,c. 661; 1996, cc. 164, 869; 1997, c. 587; 2000, c. 363.)