15.2-1503.1 - Background checks required for certain employees and licensees.
§ 15.2-1503.1. Background checks required for certain employees and licensees.
Any locality having a local ordinance adopted in accordance with § 19.2-389(i) shall require any applicant who is offered or accepts employment with thelocality, (ii) shall require any prospective licensee for any categories oflicense designated by ordinance, or (iii) may require any individual who isoffered or accepts employment with a contractor or public service corporationthat provides public transit services to the locality to submit tofingerprinting and to provide personal descriptive information to beforwarded along with the applicant's or licensee's fingerprints through theCentral Criminal Records Exchange to the Federal Bureau of Investigation forthe purpose of obtaining criminal history record information regarding suchapplicant or licensee. The locality may require such applicant or licensee topay the cost of the fingerprinting or a criminal records check or both.
The Central Criminal Records Exchange, upon receipt of an applicant's orlicensee's record or notification that no record exists, shall make a reportto the county, city or town manager, or chief law-enforcement officer or hisdesignee, who must belong to a governmental entity. If an applicant is deniedemployment or a licensee is denied a license because of the informationappearing in his criminal history record, the locality shall notify theapplicant or licensee that information obtained from the Central CriminalRecords Exchange contributed to such denial. The information shall not bedisseminated except as provided for in this section.
(2003, c. 742; 2004, c. 160; 2010, cc. 189, 563.)