15.2-1503 - Tenure of officers and employees; suspension or removal.
§ 15.2-1503. Tenure of officers and employees; suspension or removal.
A. All appointments of officers and hiring of other employees by a localityshall be without definite term, unless for temporary services not to exceedone year or except as otherwise provided by general law or special act.
B. Any officer or employee of a locality employed pursuant to subsection A ofthis section may be suspended or removed from office or employment inaccordance with the provisions of §§ 24.2-230 through 24.2-238, if suchsections are applicable. Otherwise, any such employee may be suspended orremoved in accordance with procedure established by special act or by thegoverning body, if any.
C. In case of the absence or disability of any officer or employee, thegoverning body or other appointing power may designate some responsibleperson to temporarily perform the duties of the office.
(1997, c. 587.)