13.1-511 - Effectiveness and reports.

§ 13.1-511. Effectiveness and reports.

A registration statement filed under this article may be filed by the issuer,any other person on whose behalf the offer is to be made or by any registeredbroker-dealer. When securities are registered, they may be offered and soldby the issuer, by such other person or by any registered broker-dealer,whether or not named in the registration statement. Every registrationstatement shall remain effective until revoked by the Commission or untilterminated upon request of the registrant with the consent of the Commission.So long as a registration statement remains effective, all outstandingsecurities of the same class shall be considered to be registered for thepurpose of any nonissuer distribution. So long as the registration statementremains effective, the Commission may require the registrant to file reports,not more often than quarterly, to keep reasonably current the informationcontained in the registration statement. The Commission may require suchinformation to be included in the prospectus.

(1956, c. 428; 1991, c. 223; 2003, c. 595.)