13.1-1074 - Domestication.

§ 13.1-1074. Domestication.

A. A foreign limited liability company may become a domestic limitedliability company in the manner provided in this article. The laws of thisCommonwealth shall govern the effect of domesticating in this Commonwealthpursuant to this article.

B. A domestic limited liability company not required by law to be a domesticlimited liability company may become a foreign limited liability company ifthe jurisdiction in which the limited liability company intends todomesticate allows for the domestication. Regardless of whether the laws ofthe foreign jurisdiction require the adoption of a plan of domestication, thedomestication shall be approved in the manner provided in this article. Thelaws of the jurisdiction in which the limited liability company domesticatesshall govern the effect of domesticating in that jurisdiction.

(2006, c. 912.)