11-34.2 - Definitions.
§ 11-34.2. Definitions.
As used in this chapter:
"Contracting entity" means any public body as defined in § 2.2-4301.
"Energy conservation measures and facility technology infrastructure" meansthe methods, techniques, application of knowledge, installation of devices,including an alteration or betterment to an existing facility, that reduceenergy consumption or operating costs, and includes, but is not limited to:
1. Insulation of the facility structure and systems within the facility.
2. Storm windows and doors, caulking or weatherstripping, multiglazed windowsand doors, heat-absorbing, or heat-reflective, glazed and coated window anddoor systems, additional glazing, reductions in glass area, and other windowand door system modifications that reduce energy consumption.
3. Automatic energy control systems including related software. Requirednetwork communication wiring, computer devices, wiring, and support services.Additionally, designing and implementing major building technologyinfrastructure with operational improvements.
4. Heating, ventilating, or air-conditioning system modifications orreplacements.
5. Replacement or modifications of lighting fixtures to increase the energyefficiency of the lighting system which, at a minimum, shall conform to theapplicable provisions of the Uniform Statewide Building Code (§ 36-97 etseq.).
6. Energy recovery systems.
7. Cogeneration systems that produce steam or forms of energy such as heat,as well as electricity, for use primarily within a facility or complex offacilities.
8. Energy conservation measures that provide long-term operating costreductions and significantly reduce the BTUs consumed.
9. Building technology infrastructure measures that provide long-termoperating cost reductions and reduce related operational costs.
10. Renewable energy systems, such as solar, biomass, and wind.
11. Devices that reduce water consumption or sewer charges.
"Energy cost savings" means a measured reduction in fuel, energy, oroperation and maintenance costs created from the implementation of one ormore energy conservation measures when compared with an established baselinefor previous fuel, energy, or operation and maintenance costs. Whencalculating "energy cost savings" attributable to the services performed orequipment installed pursuant to a performance-based efficiency contract,maintenance savings shall be included.
"Energy performance-based contract" means a contract for the evaluation,recommendation, and implementation of energy conservation measures andfacility technology infrastructure upgrades and modernization that includes,at a minimum:
1. The design and installation of equipment to implement one or more of suchmeasures, and if applicable, operation and maintenance of such measures.
2. The amount of any actual annual savings. This amount must meet or exceedtotal annual contract payments made by the contracting entity for suchcontract.
3. Financing charges to be incurred by the contracting entity for suchcontract.
"Maintenance savings" means the operating expenses eliminated and futurecapital replacement expenditures avoided as a result of new equipmentinstalled or services performed by the performance contractor.
"Performance guarantee bond" means for each year of the energy program, theenergy performance contractor shall provide a performance bond in an amountequal to, but no greater than, the guaranteed measured and verifiable annualsavings set forth in the program.
(2001, c. 219.)