10.1-656 - Board action on assistance requests.
§ 10.1-656. Board action on assistance requests.
The Board shall consider requests for technical and financial assistance fromlandowners whose property borders on or contains natural streams which havebeen damaged by flooding. Upon consideration of the application, inspectionreport, and any other relevant information, the Board shall determine whetheror not assistance shall be provided, and the type and extent of assistance tobe provided. In making such determinations, the Board shall consider thepotential for continual accelerated erosion of the stream banks in the futureand other possible detrimental effects to the stream which may result if nocorrective measures are undertaken. In cases where it is determined thatthere is not likely to be accelerated stream bank erosion or othersignificant detrimental effects in the future, the assistance request shallnot be approved.
(1981, c. 450, § 21-11.27; 1988, c. 891.)