10.1-2107 - Board to develop criteria.
§ 10.1-2107. Board to develop criteria.
A. In order to implement the provisions of this chapter and to assistcounties, cities and towns in regulating the use and development of land andin protecting the quality of state waters, the Board shall promulgateregulations which establish criteria for use by local governments todetermine the ecological and geographic extent of Chesapeake Bay PreservationAreas. The Board shall also promulgate regulations which establish criteriafor use by local governments in granting, denying, or modifying requests torezone, subdivide, or to use and develop land in these areas.
B. In developing and amending the criteria, the Board shall consider allfactors relevant to the protection of water quality from significantdegradation as a result of the use and development of land. The criteriashall incorporate measures such as performance standards, best managementpractices, and various planning and zoning concepts to protect the quality ofstate waters while allowing use and development of land consistent with theprovisions of this chapter. The criteria adopted by the Board, operating inconjunction with other state water quality programs, shall encourage andpromote: (i) protection of existing high quality state waters and restorationof all other state waters to a condition or quality that will permit allreasonable public uses and will support the propagation and growth of allaquatic life, including game fish, which might reasonably be expected toinhabit them; (ii) safeguarding the clean waters of the Commonwealth frompollution; (iii) prevention of any increase in pollution; (iv) reduction ofexisting pollution; and (v) promotion of water resource conservation in orderto provide for the health, safety and welfare of the present and futurecitizens of the Commonwealth.
C. Prior to the development or amendment of criteria, the Board shall givedue consideration to, among other things, the economic and social costs andbenefits which can reasonably be expected to obtain as a result of theadoption or amendment of the criteria.
D. In developing such criteria the Board may consult with and obtain thecomments of any federal, state, regional, or local agency that hasjurisdiction by law or special expertise with respect to the use anddevelopment of land or the protection of water. The Board shall give dueconsideration to the comments submitted by such federal, state, regional, orlocal agencies.
E. Criteria shall be adopted by July 1, 1989.
(1988, cc. 608, 891.)