10.1-211 - Additional duties of the Department.

§ 10.1-211. Additional duties of the Department.

In addition to other duties conferred by law, the Department shall, subjectto the provisions of this article:

1. Preserve the natural diversity of biological resources of the Commonwealth.

2. Maintain a Natural Heritage Program to select and nominate areascontaining natural heritage resources for registration, acquisition, anddedication of natural areas and natural area preserves.

3. Develop and implement a Natural Heritage Plan that shall govern theNatural Heritage Program in the creation of a system of registered anddedicated natural area preserves.

4. Publish and disseminate information pertaining to natural areas andnatural area preserves.

5. Grant permits to qualified persons for the conduct of scientific researchand investigations within natural area preserves.

6. Provide recommendations to the Commissioner of the Department ofAgriculture and Consumer Services and to the Board of Agriculture andConsumer Services on species for listing under the Virginia Endangered Plantand Insect Act, prior to the adoption of regulations therefor.

7. Provide recommendations to the Executive Director of the Department ofGame and Inland Fisheries and to the Board of Game and Inland Fisheries onspecies for listing under the Virginia Endangered Species Act, prior to theadoption of regulations therefor.

8. Cooperate with other local, state and federal agencies in developingmanagement plans for real property under their stewardship that willidentify, maintain and preserve the natural diversity of biological resourcesof the Commonwealth.

9. Provide for management, development and utilization of any landspurchased, leased or otherwise acquired and enforce the provisions of thisarticle governing natural area preserves, the stewardship thereof, theprevention of trespassing thereon, or other actions deemed necessary to carryout the provisions of this article.

(1989, c. 553.)