10.1-1422.6 - Used motor oil, other fluids for automotive engine maintenance, and oil filters; signs; establishment of statewide program.
§ 10.1-1422.6. Used motor oil, other fluids for automotive enginemaintenance, and oil filters; signs; establishment of statewide program.
A. The Department shall establish a statewide management program for usedmotor oil, other fluids for automotive engine maintenance, and oil filters.The program shall encourage the environmentally sound management of motoroil, other fluids used for automotive engine maintenance, and oil filters by(i) educating consumers on the environmental benefits of proper management,(ii) publicizing options for proper disposal, and (iii) promoting amanagement infrastructure that allows for the convenient recycling of thesematerials by the public. The Department may contract with a qualified publicor private entity to implement this program.
B. The Department shall maintain a statewide list of sites that accept used(i) motor oil, (ii) other fluids used for automotive engine maintenance, and(iii) oil filters from the public. The list shall be updated at leastannually. The Department shall create, maintain, and promote a toll-freehotline number and a website where consumers may receive informationdescribing the location of collection sites in their locality to properlydispose of used motor oil, other fluids for automotive engine maintenance,and oil filters.
C. The Department shall establish an ongoing outreach program to existing andpotential collection sites that provides a point of contact for questions anddisseminates information on (i) the way to establish a collection site, (ii)technical issues associated with being a collection site, and (iii) thebenefits of continued participation in the program.
D. Any person who sells motor oil, other fluids used for automotive enginemaintenance, or oil filters at the retail level and who does not accept thereturn of used motor oil, other fluids used for automotive enginemaintenance, or oil filters shall post a sign that encourages theenvironmentally sound management of these products and provides a websiteaddress and toll-free hotline number where additional information on thelocations of used motor oil, other fluids used for automotive enginemaintenance, and oil filters collection sites are available. This sign shallbe provided by the Department or its designee to all establishments sellingmotor oil, other fluids used for automotive engine maintenance, or oilfilters. In determining the size and manner in which such signs may beaffixed or displayed at the retail establishment, the Department shall giveconsideration to the space available in such retail establishments.
E. Any person who violates any provision of subsection D shall be subject toa fine of $25.
(2001, c. 569; 2008, c. 646.)