10.1-1401 - Virginia Waste Management Board continued.

§ 10.1-1401. Virginia Waste Management Board continued.

A. The Virginia Waste Management Board shall consist of seven Virginiaresidents appointed by the Governor for terms of four years. The members ofthe Board shall be citizens of the Commonwealth and shall be selected fromthe Commonwealth at large on the basis of merit without regard to politicalaffiliation. Members shall, by their education, training, or experience, beknowledgeable of waste management and shall be fairly representative ofagriculture, conservation, industry, and public health. Vacancies occurringother than by expiration of a term shall be filled by the Governor for theunexpired portion of the term.

B. The Board shall adopt rules and procedures for the conduct of its business.

C. The Board shall elect a chairman from among its members.

D. A quorum shall consist of four members. The decision of a majority ofthose present and voting shall constitute a decision of the Board; however, avote of the majority of the Board membership is required to constitute afinal decision on certification of site approval. Meetings may be held at anytime or place determined by the Board or upon call of the chairman or uponwritten request of any two members. All members shall be notified of the timeand place of any meeting at least five days in advance of the meeting.

(1986, c. 492, § 10-265; 1988, c. 891; 1994, c. 461; 2008, cc. 276, 557.)