10.1-1188 - State agencies to submit environmental impact reports on major projects.

§ 10.1-1188. State agencies to submit environmental impact reports on majorprojects.

A. All state agencies, boards, authorities and commissions or any branch ofthe state government shall prepare and submit an environmental impact reportto the Department on each major state project.

"Major state project" means the acquisition of an interest in land for anystate facility construction, or the construction of any facility or expansionof an existing facility which is hereafter undertaken by any state agency,board, commission, authority or any branch of state government, includingstate-supported institutions of higher learning, which costs $500,000 ormore. For the purposes of this chapter, authority shall not include anyindustrial development authority created pursuant to the provisions ofChapter 49 (§ 15.2-4900 et seq.) of Title 15.2 or Chapter 643, as amended, ofthe 1964 Acts of Assembly. Nor shall authority include any housingdevelopment or redevelopment authority established pursuant to state law. Forthe purposes of this chapter, branch of state government shall include anycounty, city or town of the Commonwealth only in connection with highwayconstruction, reconstruction, or improvement projects affecting highways orroads undertaken by the county, city, or town on projects estimated to costmore than $500,000.

Such environmental impact report shall include, but not be limited to, thefollowing:

1. The environmental impact of the major state project, including the impacton wildlife habitat;

2. Any adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided if the majorstate project is undertaken;

3. Measures proposed to minimize the impact of the major state project;

4. Any alternatives to the proposed construction; and

5. Any irreversible environmental changes which would be involved in themajor state project.

For the purposes of subdivision 4 of this subsection, the report shallcontain all alternatives considered and the reasons why the alternatives wererejected. If a report does not set forth alternatives, it shall state whyalternatives were not considered.

B. For purposes of this chapter, this subsection shall only apply to thereview of highway and road construction projects or any part thereof. TheSecretaries of Transportation and Natural Resources shall jointly establishprocedures for review and comment by state natural and historic resourceagencies of highway and road construction projects. Such procedures shallprovide for review and comment on appropriate projects and categories ofprojects to address the environmental impact of the project, any adverseenvironmental effects which cannot be avoided if the project is undertaken,the measures proposed to minimize the impact of the project, any alternativesto the proposed construction, and any irreversible environmental changeswhich would be involved in the project.

(1973, c. 384, § 10-17.108; 1974, c. 270, § 10.1-1208; 1977, c. 667; 1988, c.891; 1991, c. 289; 1992, c. 887; 1997, c. 268; 2007, c. 896; 2008, cc. 45,225, 473.)