1-408 - Relinquishment by United States of jurisdiction over lands in the Commonwealth.
§ 1-408. Relinquishment by United States of jurisdiction over lands in theCommonwealth.
Whenever a duly authorized official or agent of the United States, actingpursuant to authority conferred by the United States Congress, notifies theGovernor that the United States desires or is willing to relinquish to theCommonwealth the jurisdiction, or a portion thereof, held by the UnitedStates over lands located in the Commonwealth, as designated in such notice,the Governor may, in his discretion, accept such relinquishment. Suchacceptance shall be made by sending a notice of acceptance to the official oragent designated by the United States to receive such notice of acceptance.The Governor shall send a signed copy of the notice of acceptance, togetherwith the notice of relinquishment received from the United States, to theSecretary of the Commonwealth, who shall maintain a permanent file of saidnotices.
Upon the sending of the notice of acceptance to the designated official oragent of the United States, the Commonwealth shall immediately have suchjurisdiction over the lands designated in the notice of relinquishment as thenotice shall specify.
Upon receipt of a copy of the notice of relinquishment and a copy of thenotice of acceptance, the Secretary of the Commonwealth shall immediatelygive written notice of such change in jurisdiction to the Attorney Generaland the attorney for the Commonwealth of the city or county in which suchlands are located. The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall also certify acopy of each of the notices to the clerk of court in which deeds are admittedto record for the city or county in which such lands are located. The clerkshall record the notices in his deed book and index them in the name of theUnited States and the Commonwealth.
(1975, c. 411, § 7.1-25.1; 2005, c. 839.)