1-253 - Time zone.
§ 1-253. Time zone.
The United States Eastern Standard Time shall be in effect in all parts ofthe Commonwealth except during the period when the United States EasternDaylight Time shall be in effect as provided by federal law. This sectionshall not be construed to be in contravention of federal law, or dulyauthorized orders of the United States Secretary of Transportation withrespect to the time zones of the United States and the application ofstandard time to interstate commerce and other matters within such zones.
In all laws, statutes, orders, decrees, rules and regulations relating to thetime of performance of any act by any officer or agency of the Commonwealth,or any political subdivision thereof, or relating to the time in which anyrights shall accrue or determine, or within which any act shall or shall notbe performed by any person subject to the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth,and in all public schools, institutions of the Commonwealth or its politicalsubdivisions, and contracts or choses in action made or to be performed inthe Commonwealth, it shall be understood and intended that the timeapplicable thereto or referred to or implied therein shall be the UnitedStates Eastern Standard Time, or the United States Eastern Daylight Time,when and during such is in effect.
(1946, p. 103; Michie Suppl. 1946, § 5b; 1952, c. 637, § 1-15; 1962, c. 617;1964, c. 646; 1966, c. 581; 1988, c. 177; 2005, c. 839.)