1-210 - Computation of time.
§ 1-210. Computation of time.
A. When an act of the General Assembly or rule of court requires that an actbe performed a prescribed amount of time before a motion or proceeding, theday of such motion or proceeding shall not be counted against the timeallowed, but the day on which such act is performed may be counted as part ofthe time. When an act of the General Assembly or rule of court requires thatan act be performed within a prescribed amount of time after any event orjudgment, the day on which the event or judgment occurred shall not becounted against the time allowed.
B. When the last day for performing an act during the course of a judicialproceeding falls on a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or any day or part ofa day on which the clerk's office is closed as authorized by an act of theGeneral Assembly, the act may be performed on the next day that is not aSaturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day or part of a day on which the clerk'soffice is closed as authorized by an act of the General Assembly.
C. When an act of the General Assembly specifies a maximum period of time inwhich a legal action may be brought and the last day of that period falls ona Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day or part of a day on which theclerk's office is closed as authorized by an act of the General Assembly, theaction may be brought on the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, legalholiday, or day or part of a day on which the clerk's office is closed asauthorized by an act of the General Assembly.
D. Any court or proceeding authorized to be adjourned from day to day shallnot be required to meet on a Sunday or legal holiday.
E. When an act of the General Assembly or local governing body, order of thecourt, or administrative regulation or order requires, either byspecification of a date or by a prescribed period of time, that an act beperformed or an action be filed on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday or onany day or part of a day on which the state or local government office wherethe act to be performed or the action to be filed is closed, the act may beperformed or the action may be filed on the next business day that is not aSaturday, Sunday, legal holiday, or day on which the state or localgovernment office is closed.
(Code 1919, § 5; 1932, p. 24; Code 1950, § 1-13; 1950, pp. 21, 23, §§ 1-13.3,1-13.27; 1962, cc. 104, 284, § 1-13.3:1; 1977, c. 93; 1986, c. 166; 1987, c.92; 2005, c. 839; 2008, c. 816; 2010, c. 96.)