§ 23.02 -   Powers and duties of fire chief

§ 9-23.2. Powers and duties of fire chief

The chief engineer shall have jurisdiction and control of the administration, disposition and discipline of the fire department and of the firemen within the department. He shall have the power to make such rules and regulations as are necessary, in his opinion, to exercise the jurisdiction and control of the department. He shall be the chief executive officer of the fire department. He shall be responsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of all fire vehicles and fire equipment. He shall have sole and exclusive power and authority to extinguish fires at any place within the jurisdiction of the city. He shall be the fire marshal of the city, and as such it shall be his duty and he is hereby empowered to enforce all state and local laws, relating to the prevention, detection, and extinguishment of fires from any causes whatsoever. He shall install or cause to be installed alarm, telegraph, telephone and radio equipment which is used in the operation of the fire department, which is owned or under the exclusive control of the fire department. He shall be responsible for the prevention of fires and danger to life or property therefrom. He is empowered to cause any building, structure or place or premises to be inspected for fire hazards and may cause the inspection and testing of any fire alarm system of fire extinguishment. He may also cause the inspection and testing of any fire exits and may inspect the proper designation and marking thereof.