§ 1201 - Assessment of taxes and establishment of tax rate
§ 5-1201. Assessment of taxes and establishment of tax rate
The city council shall assess such taxes upon the grand list of the city as the city at any annual or special meeting warned for that purpose and may vote for the payment of debts and current expenses of the city, for carrying out any of the purposes of this charter, for the support of schools in said city, and for the payment of all state and county taxes and obligations imposed upon said city by law. The vote of the city shall be upon the specific sum of budgeted tax appropriation for the support of all city departments, grants, schools, recreation and senior citizens. The city council shall establish a tax rate based upon the true grand list as appraised by the city assessor, and shall deliver the same to the city treasurer for computation and collection. Any general statutory provisions insofar as they pertain to expressing in the vote the specific sum or rate per cent on the dollar of the grand list for highway purposes or other necessary expenditures shall not apply to any action taken by the City of Montpelier in regard to voting money for city purposes.