§ 807 - Entry onto land for construction
§ 5-807. Recreation
(a) The city may establish, maintain and conduct a system of public recreation including playgrounds; may set apart for such use any other land or buildings owned or leased by it; may acquire land, buildings and recreational facilities by gift or purchase, and may issue bonds therefore as provided by law and equip and conduct the same; may employ a director of recreation and assistant; and may expend funds for the aforesaid purposes.
(b) The legislative body may conduct the same through a department or bureau of recreation; or may delegate the conduct thereof to a recreational board created by them, or to a school board or to any other appropriate existing board or commission.
(c) The recreation board of the City of Montpelier shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the legislative body for three-year (3) terms, or in the case of a commission, elected at large at the annual meeting of the city. The recreation board shall perform such planning functions and duties as may be required by the legislative body, charter, ordinances, or applicable state laws.
(d) The recreation board budget shall be an integral part and under the control of the legislative body.