§ 806 - Charter review committee
§ 5-806. Board of adjustment
The board of adjustment of the City of Montpelier shall consist of five (5) regular members and two (2) alternate members, appointed by the city council for three-year terms in accordance with Title 24, V.S.A., as amended, Chapter 117, Section 4461. The board of adjustment shall, upon the request of an interested person, hear the appeal of any decision or act taken by the administrative officer in accordance with the procedures outlined in Title 24, V.S.A., as amended, Chapter 91, subchapter 8; and perform such other duties as may be required by the city council, charter, ordinances or applicable state laws. A quorum of the board of adjustment shall consist of a maximum of five (5) regular or alternate members and a minimum of three (3) regular or alternate members. Alternate members may serve on the board when one or more regular members are unable to attend a meeting. The board of adjustment shall be further governed by the rules and procedures for the board of adjustment as provided in the city ordinances.