Chapter 17 - LIMITED ACCESS FACILITIES (Contains: §§ 1701 – 1715)
- § 1701 - Declaration of policy
- § 1702 - Definition of a limited access facility
- § 1703 - Authority to establish limited access facilities
- § 1704 - Design of limited access facility
- § 1705 - Acquisition of property
- § 1706 - Disposal of property
- § 1707 - Precedence of condemnation proceedings
- § 1708 - New and existing facilities; grade crossing eliminations
- § 1709 - Local service highways
- § 1710 - Commercial enterprises prohibited
- § 1711 - Unlawful use of limited access facilities
- § 1712 - Penalty
- § 1713 - Reimbursement of towns for loss of taxes
- § 1714 - Listers' annual report
- § 1715 - Time limit