§ 6002 -   Bailpiece-Surety in jail bond taken on execution

§ 6002. Bailpiece-Surety in jail bond taken on execution

Bailpiece to be Furnished a Surety in a Jail Bond Taken on an


STATE OF VERMONT, On the ......... day of ............ ....................

County, ss. A. D. 19 ............, A. B. of .......................

in the county of .................... was bailed by C. D. of .................... in the county of ...................., to the liberties of the jail yard in .................... in the county of ...................., on an execution in favor of E. F. of .................... in the county of ...................., the sum of ................. dollars damages, and .................... dollars costs of action, with .................... cents for such execution, and officers' fees thereon to the amount of .....................

G. R., Jailer.