§ 5967 -   Witness-Subpoena for appearance before grand jury

§ 5967. Witness-Subpoena for appearance before grand jury

Subpoena for Witness Before Grand Jury

(Commencement and direction as in § 5903.)

By the authority of the state of Vermont, you are hereby commanded to summon .................... of ............... to appear before the grand jury of the county of ...................., at the courthouse in ...................., on the .................. day of ................ A.D. 19 ......., at ............ o'clock in the .................. noon, to give evidence of what they know relative to all matters of complaint pending and to be investigated before such grand jury; and this neither of them may omit, as they will answer their default under the pains and penalties of the law in such case made and provided.

Fail not, but service and return make according to law.

Dated at, etc.

G. H., Clerk, Justice of the Peace,

Notary Public