§ 2508 -   Forest fire plan; aid to member-Article VIII

§ 2508. Forest fire plan; aid to member-Article VIII

It shall be the duty of each member state to formulate and put in effect a forest fire plan for that state and to take such measures as may be recommended by the commission to integrate such forest fire plan with the regional forest fire plan.

Whenever the state forest fire control agency of a member state requests aid from the state forest fire control agency of any other member state in combatting, controlling or preventing forest fires, it shall be the duty of the state forest fire control agency of that state to render all possible aid to the requesting agency which is consonant with the maintenance of protection at home.

Each signatory state agrees to render aid to the forest service or other agencies of the government of the United States in combatting, controlling or preventing forest fires in areas under their jurisdiction located within the member state or a contiguous member state.