§ 747 - Description of program
§ 747. Description of program
(a) As used in this subchapter "single lot subdivision" means dividing a parcel of land so that not more than one additional parcel of less than 10 acres in area is created from the original parcel within any 24-month period.
(b) The individual on-site sewage system program may:
(1) Provide technical assistance to municipalities for the proper planning and installation of individual on-site sewage systems through site evaluations, systems design and installation inspections;
(2) Supply data for an application for a permit under the state subdivision regulations authorized by 18 V.S.A. § 1218, but only where the application concerns a single lot subdivision and only where the municipality has so contracted with the program; and
(3) Conduct research on the capability of soils and alternative systems for treatment and disposal of sewage effluent. (Added 1975, No. 104, § 3; amended 1981, No. 17, § 1.)