§ 733 -   Powers of board

§ 733. Powers of board

Upon the basis of such inquiry as it deems it necessary to conduct, and upon the basis of findings resulting therefrom, the board of adjustment shall have authority by order to authorize such variance from the ordinances in their application to the lands of the owner who has not complied with the ordinance of the district, when such variance will relieve practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship to such owner and when such variance is not contrary to public interest and is in accordance with the purpose of land-use regulations. The board of adjustment may request the landowner not complying with an ordinance to sign a stipulation setting forth the conditions agreed upon by the landowner and supervisors so that the practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship may be overcome and work proceed by the consent of such landowner upon his land. However, nothing in this chapter shall be construed so as to make ineffective any remedies available under the laws of the state.