§ 650 -   Definitions

§ 650. Definitions

As used in this subchapter:

(1) "Agency" means the agency of commerce and community development.

(2) "Applicant" means a person that files a notice and application in accordance with this chapter.

(3) "Corporation" means the Vermont film corporation.

(4) "Film" includes a feature film, television film, television pilot, or each episode of a television series which is intended as programming for a national audience. The term does not include a production featuring:

(A) News, current events, and weather and market reports.

(B) Public programming.

(C) Talk shows, game shows, sports events, awards shows, or other gala events.

(D) A production that solicits funds.

(E) A production that primarily markets a product or service.

(F) A production containing material deemed by the corporation to be obscene.

(G) A production primarily for private, political, industrial, corporate, or institutional purposes.

(5) "Production expense" means:

(A) An expense incurred in the production of a film. The term includes:

(i) Wages and salaries of individuals not to exceed $1,000,000.00 per individual employed in the production of the film.

(ii) The costs of construction, operations, editing, photography, sound synchronization, lighting, wardrobe, and accessories.

(iii) The cost of rental facilities and equipment.

(B) The term does not include expenses incurred in purchasing story rights, music rights, development costs, marketing, or advertising a film.

(6) "Program" means the film production grant program established in section 650a of this title (relating to establishment).

(7) "Qualified film production expense" means a Vermont production expense if at least $1,000,000.00 of the film's production cost is certified by the agency to have been spent in Vermont.

(8) "Recipient" means a person who receives a grant under this subchapter.

(9) "Start date" means the first day of principal photography in Vermont.

(10) "Vermont production expense" means a production expense paid in Vermont. (Added 2005, No. 184 (Adj. Sess.), § 17e.)