§ 6656 - Brownfield advisory committee
§ 6656. Brownfield advisory committee
(a) There is established a brownfield reuse and environmental liability limitation advisory committee to review the operation of the program established under this subchapter and to recommend program and legislative changes to improve the program and increase brownfield cleanup. The advisory committee shall submit an annual report of its work and recommendations to the general assembly on or before January 15. The committee shall be composed of the following 10 members:
(1) The secretary or designee who shall be chair.
(2) The secretary of commerce and community affairs or designee who shall be vice chair.
(3) The attorney general or designee.
(4) A member of the Vermont association of planning and development agencies, appointed by the association.
(5) Six members to be appointed by the chair:
(A) A developer of large projects with experience in brownfield redevelopment.
(B) A developer of small projects with experience in brownfield redevelopment.
(C) An attorney with experience representing brownfield redevelopers.
(D) Two commercial real estate brokers with experience in the sale of brownfield properties.
(E) A representative of a regional development corporation.
(b) The advisory committee shall focus its deliberations on the following issues:
(1) Fair distribution of historic liability.
(2) Funding mechanisms.
(3) Exemptions for regional development corporations.
(4) Other recommendations of the advisory committee. (Added 2007, No. 147 (Adj. Sess.), § 7.)