§ 6641 - Brownfield property cleanup program; creation; powers
§ 6641. Brownfield property cleanup program; creation; powers
(a) There is created the brownfield property cleanup program to enable certain interested parties to request the assistance of the secretary to review and oversee work plans for investigating, abating, removing, remediating, and monitoring a property in exchange for protection from certain liabilities under section 6615 of this title. The program shall be administered by the secretary who shall:
(1) Specify an appropriate amount or type of insurance; require the posting of a bond or other form of financial assurance; or establish other qualifications for persons carrying out activities related to the cleanup program.
(2) Contract with private engineers, hydrologists, and site professionals to provide the investigation and review required by this subchapter. The contract may be financed from the oversight fees established in subdivision 6644(5) of this title, or may bill an applicant who is not liable under subdivision 6615(a)(1) of this title for the services.
(3) Release an applicant from state liability, provided the applicant is in compliance with this subchapter.
(b) After approval of a site investigation work plan or a corrective action plan, the secretary shall notify the person of any future requirements under this subchapter, including a tentative schedule of processing times. (Added 2007, No. 147 (Adj. Sess.), § 7.)