§ 369 - Nonresident's estate; notice to commissioner of taxes; information to banks
§ 369. Nonresident's estate; notice to commissioner of taxes; information to banks
(a) When an executor or administrator is appointed to administer within this state an estate of a deceased person who resided in another state or country at the time of his death, the judge of probate so appointing shall notify in writing forthwith the commissioner of taxes of such appointment giving the name and residence of such deceased person at the time of his death, the name and residence of the executor or administrator, the date of his appointment and identifying the probate court making such appointment.
(b) The commissioner shall keep a full record in each case and upon inquiry made of him by any savings bank or savings institution in the state shall at once notify such bank or institution whether, as shown by his record, an executor or administrator has been appointed by any probate court in the state to administer the estate of the deceased person named in such inquiry. If there has been such an appointment, the commissioner shall furnish the above information to such bank or institution forthwith.