§ 41 - 29-41. [Transfer of Right of Way in Okemo State Forest, Ludlow, from the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to the Department of Fish and Wildlife]
TITLE 3ExecutiveAppendix Executive OrdersCHAPTER 3. EXECUTIVEExecutive Order No. 3-41.(No. 02-02)[Establishment of the Governor's Children and Youth Cabinet]
WHEREAS, Vermont's children are our most precious and valued resource; and
WHEREAS, through the efforts of state government, local government, communities and individuals, much focus is being given to solving problems encountered by a segment of Vermont's youth, such as the growing numbers of Vermont youth being placed under the supervision of the Department of Corrections; the numbers of Vermont youth that are truant or dropping out of school; and Vermont's substance abuse problem; and
WHEREAS, many programs exist to support and help Vermont's youth and to address specific problems; and
WHEREAS, these programs will prove to be more effective if they are formally coordinated; and
WHEREAS, the problems affecting some young Vermonters are better solved through coordination not only among the various agencies and departments of the executive branch but also between the three branches of government.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT I, Howard Dean, M.D., by virtue of the authority vested in me as Governor, for the purpose of improving the well-being of Vermont's children, do hereby establish the Governor's Children and Youth Cabinet.
The Cabinet shall be made up of the Secretary of the Agency of Human Services, who shall serve as Chair; the commissioners of Education; Employment and Training; Health, Social and Rehabilitation Services; Corrections; Prevention, Assistance, Transition and Health Access; Public Safety; and Developmental and Mental Health Services, as well as a representative of the Governor's office and the Secretary of Administration. The Vermont Supreme Court may designate the Court Administrator and up to three Judges of the Superior or District Courts to participate with the Cabinet. The General Assembly may appoint a member from the House of Representatives, to be selected by the Speaker of the House, and from the Senate, to be appointed by the Committee of Committees, to participate with the Cabinet. Each member of the Cabinet shall attend Cabinet meetings in person and not appoint or send a designee. The Cabinet shall meet at least quarterly to carry out the following responsibilities:
1) Monitor the well-being of Vermont's children according to the outcomes and indicators adopted by the General Assembly in 1999;
2) Submit a "How Are the Children?" report annually to the Governor and General Assembly;
3) Review and improve practice and policy related to children's services, when, in the judgment of the Cabinet existing practices and policies no longer promote child well-being;
4) Coordinate services and resources among and between the departments and agencies of the executive branch and, to the greatest extent possible, between the branches of government;
5) Resolve concerns that transcend departmental lines authority.
To carry out these responsibilities the Cabinet may:
1) With the assent of the chair, invite other knowledgeable people to join their quarterly deliberations;
2) Empower existing entities to conduct research on outcomes, best practice, or potential impact of policy and practice changes, and report back to the Cabinet;
3) Convene task forces, as needed, to address specific issues or concerns;
4) Contract with one or more private non-profit organizations to carry out workplans of the Cabinet.
I charge the Cabinet with examining existing policy and, where needed, making policy recommendations in at least the following areas: access to early care, education and prevention; effective use of Vermont's home visiting and family support resources; provision of juvenile justice; coordination of out of school time services; and efforts to eradicate adolescent substance abuse.
Administrative support shall be provided by the Agency of Human Services.
This Executive Order shall take effect upon signing and shall sunset on June 30, 2010.
Dated February 5, 2002.