78B-9-402 - Petition for determination of factual innocence -- Sufficient allegations -- Notification of victim.
78B-9-402. Petition for determination of factual innocence -- Sufficient allegations-- Notification of victim.
(1) A person who has been convicted of a felony offense may petition the district court inthe county in which the person was convicted for a hearing to establish that the person isfactually innocent of the crime or crimes of which the person was convicted.
(2) (a) The petition shall contain an assertion of factual innocence under oath by thepetitioner, and shall aver, with supporting affidavits or other credible documents, that:
(i) newly discovered material evidence exists that, if credible, establishes that thepetitioner is factually innocent;
(ii) the specific evidence identified by the petitioner in the petition establishes innocence;
(iii) the material evidence is not merely cumulative of evidence that was known;
(iv) the material evidence is not merely impeachment evidence; and
(v) viewed with all the other evidence, the newly discovered evidence demonstrates thatthe petitioner is factually innocent.
(b) The court shall review the petition in accordance with the procedures in Subsection(9)(b), and make a finding that the petition has satisfied the requirements of Subsection (2)(a). Ifthe court finds the petition does not meet all the requirements of Subsection (2)(a), it shalldismiss the petition without prejudice and send notice of the dismissal to the petitioner and theattorney general.
(3) (a) The petition shall also contain an averment that:
(i) neither the petitioner nor petitioner's counsel knew of the evidence at the time of trialor sentencing or in time to include the evidence in any previously filed post-trial motion orpostconviction motion, and the evidence could not have been discovered by the petitioner or thepetitioner's counsel through the exercise of reasonable diligence; or
(ii) a court has found ineffective assistance of counsel for failing to exercise reasonablediligence in uncovering the evidence.
(b) Upon entry of a finding that the petition is sufficient under Subsection (2)(a), thecourt shall then review the petition to determine if Subsection (3)(a) has been satisfied. If thecourt finds that the requirements of Subsection (3)(a) have not been satisfied, it may dismiss thepetition without prejudice and give notice to the petitioner and the attorney general of thedismissal, or the court may enter a finding that based upon the strength of the petition, therequirements of Subsection (3)(a) are waived in the interest of justice.
(4) If the conviction for which the petitioner asserts factual innocence was based upon aplea of guilty, the petition shall contain the specific nature and content of the evidence thatestablishes factual innocence. The court shall review the evidence and may dismiss the petitionat any time in the course of the proceedings, if the court finds that the evidence of factualinnocence relies solely upon the recantation of testimony or prior statements made by a witnessagainst the petitioner, and the recantation appears to the court to be equivocal or self-serving.
(5) A person who has already obtained postconviction relief that vacated or reversed theperson's conviction or sentence may also file a petition under this part in the same manner andform as described above, if no retrial or appeal regarding this offense is pending.
(6) If some or all of the evidence alleged to be exonerating is biological evidence subjectto DNA testing, the petitioner shall seek DNA testing pursuant to Section 78B-9-301.
(7) Except as provided in Subsection (9), the petition shall be in compliance with andgoverned by Rule 65C, Utah Rules of Civil Procedure, and shall include the underlying criminal
case number.
(8) After a petition is filed under this section, prosecutors, law enforcement officers, andcrime laboratory personnel shall cooperate in preserving evidence and in determining thesufficiency of the chain of custody of the evidence which is the subject of the petition.
(9) (a) A person who files a petition under this section shall serve notice of the petitionand a copy of the petition upon the office of the prosecutor who obtained the conviction and uponthe Utah attorney general.
(b) The assigned judge shall conduct an initial review of the petition. If it is apparent tothe court that the petitioner is either merely relitigating facts, issues, or evidence presented inprevious proceedings or presenting issues that appear frivolous or speculative on their face, thecourt shall dismiss the petition, state the basis for the dismissal, and serve notice of dismissalupon the petitioner and the attorney general. If, upon completion of the initial review, the courtdoes not dismiss the petition, it shall order the attorney general to file a response to the petition. The attorney general shall, within 30 days after receipt of the court's order, or within anyadditional period of time the court allows, answer or otherwise respond to all proceedingsinitiated under this part.
(c) After the time for response by the attorney general under Subsection (9)(b) haspassed, the court shall order a hearing if it finds the petition meets the requirements ofSubsections (2) and (3) and finds there is a bona fide and compelling issue of factual innocenceregarding the charges of which the petitioner was convicted. No bona fide and compelling issueof factual innocence exists if the petitioner is merely relitigating facts, issues, or evidencepresented in a previous proceeding or if the petitioner is unable to identify with sufficientspecificity the nature and reliability of the newly discovered evidence that establishes thepetitioner's factual innocence.
(d) If the parties stipulate that the evidence establishes that the petitioner is factuallyinnocent, the court may find the petitioner is factually innocent without holding a hearing.
(10) The court may not grant a petition for a hearing under this part during the period inwhich criminal proceedings in the matter are pending before any trial or appellate court, unlessstipulated to by the parties.
(11) Any victim of a crime that is the subject of a petition under this part, and who haselected to receive notice under Section 77-38-3, shall be notified by the state's attorney of anyhearing regarding the petition.
(12) A petition to determine factual innocence under this part, or Part 3, Postconviction Testing of DNA, shall be filed separately from any petition for postconviction relief under Part 1,General Provisions. Separate petitions may be filed simultaneously in the same court.
(13) The procedures governing the filing and adjudication of a petition to determinefactual innocence apply to all petitions currently filed or pending and any new petitions filed onor after the effective date of this amendment.
Amended by Chapter 153, 2010 General Session