78B-5-506 - Value of exempt property -- Exemption of implements, professional books, tools, and motor vehicle.
78B-5-506. Value of exempt property -- Exemption of implements, professionalbooks, tools, and motor vehicle.
(1) An individual is entitled to exemption of the following property up to an aggregatevalue of items in each subsection of $500:
(a) sofas, chairs, and related furnishings reasonably necessary for one household;
(b) dining and kitchen tables and chairs reasonably necessary for one household;
(c) animals, books, and musical instruments, if reasonably held for the personal use ofthe individual or his dependents; and
(d) heirlooms or other items of particular sentimental value to the individual.
(2) An individual is entitled to an exemption, not exceeding $3,500 in aggregate value, ofimplements, professional books, or tools of his trade.
(3) (a) As used in this Subsection (3), "motor vehicle" does not include any motorvehicle designed for or used primarily for recreational purposes, such as:
(i) an off-highway vehicle as defined in Section 41-22-2, except a motorcycle theindividual regularly uses for daily transportation; or
(ii) a recreational vehicle as defined in Section 13-14-102, except a van the individualregularly uses for daily transportation.
(b) An individual is entitled to an exemption, not exceeding $2,500 in value, of onemotor vehicle.
(4) This section does not affect property exempt under Section 78B-5-505.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session