73-18c-301 - Requirement of owner's or operator's security.
73-18c-301. Requirement of owner's or operator's security.
(1) Each resident owner of a motorboat shall maintain owner's or operator's security ineffect at any time that the motorboat is operated on waters of the state.
(2) Each nonresident owner of a motorboat that has been physically present in this statefor 90 or fewer days during the preceding 365 days shall maintain the type and amount of owner'sor operator's security required in his or her place of residence at any time the motorboat isoperated on waters of the state.
(3) Each nonresident owner of a motorboat that has been physically present in this statemore than 90 days during the preceding 365 days shall thereafter maintain owner's or operator'ssecurity in effect at any time the motorboat is operated on waters of the state.
(4) The state and each of its political subdivisions and their respective departments,institutions, or agencies shall maintain owner's or operator's security in effect at any time theirpersonal watercraft are operated on waters of the state.
(5) Any other state is considered a nonresident owner of its motorboat and is subject toSubsection (2) or (3).
(6) The United States, any political subdivision of it, or any of its agencies may maintainowner's or operator's security in effect for their motorboats.
Amended by Chapter 211, 2006 General Session